Our Company

MakeAfrica is a business and digital innovation centre, business incubator, and accelerator that supports startups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to become sustainable, scalable, and investment ready. MakeAfrica specializes in providing capacity-building training, business development, business coaching, SME growth support services, mentoring, business advisory, consulting, and investment facilitation. MakeAfrica has over time provided growth-oriented business development support and training services for start-ups, SMEs, and companies of varying sizes and across and wide range of sectors such as agribusiness, Cosmetics, Fashion, Information Technology, etc. Our support has helped such companies refine their business models, pursue sustainable and scalable growth paths, create uncontested markets, and raise capital from investors to support their growth and scaling plans.

Our Story

In the dynamic landscape of Startups and SMEs development in Ghana and Africa, MakeAfrica recognizes the prevailing belief that success hinges primarily on money and technical skills. While acknowledging the importance of these elements, our business concept centres on a fundamental truth: attitudes shape behavior, and without the right attitudes, sustained success remains elusive.

We believe that a positive and growth-oriented mindset is the cornerstone of business success. MakeAfrica is committed to instilling a mindset shift among Startups and SMEs owners, fostering resilience, adaptability, and a proactive approach.

Success, for MakeAfrica, is not solely measured by financial metrics or technical proficiency but by the cultivation of positive attitudes that drive sustained growth, resilience in the face of challenges, and a commitment to excellence. Many new companies have failed because the necessary skills and mentality were lacking, making it impossible to turn their brilliant ideas into reality.

Our Vision

To be a world-class business catalyst for sustainable growth in Africa’s startups and SMEs
fostering a culture of innovation and excellence.

Our Mission

To provide cutting-edge business support services and programs for businesses to achieve growth, profitability, and impact.

Our Strategic Partners